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Friday, October 5, 2007

continuous line

continuous line eskimo

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bear book

Bear book cover

bear book

Made from offcuts of paper from a different project. I know animal people are somewhat overdone but there's still something very satisfying about them.

Important people/animals/objects group project

Four of us each described an important person/animal/object, then drew everyone else's as well as our own. Here's a selection of mine. I was trying full colour & it came out with a very childrens-book feel, not sure about it, but it was fun to try.

Nettle went on baby pig's nose Toy rabbit on bed
Sam in front of red blocks Extremely fat and lazy cat
Green dress girl likes bike This cat has many victims

Here's a section of the final piece, we laid it all out in a grid. Interesting to see everyone's different styles and interpretations.

part of the final piece

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

sewn doll

full length close up of face
handmade doll sitting side view front view

Machine sewn, then corrected by hand. Face is handsewn. Button joints. Shown on my lovely bedspread, hard to photograph, the light just wasn't good today.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sunday, September 30, 2007